English Q&A Group

A new hobby group is forming to give non-native English speakers an informal workshop for asking questions to help them to better understand how to use English.
Our goal is to provide some practical help with writing, grammar, vocabulary, and understnading the meaning of slang words & everyday expressions, etc.
Meetings will be held the first Tuesday of every month from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.

Debee Lane

Since Sep.2003

Q&A Fun Quiz -2-
Sep.21st 2007

How many English words can you make from the letters in the word



The Answers to the FRIENDSHIP brain teaser

at Hotel Monterey

Q&A Fun Quiz -1-
June 26.2007

Today we enjoyed a fun quiz. This is one of the questions:

How many English words can you make from the letters in the word


( Time limit - 2 minutes )

Why don't you try for yourself?


June 29.2010

May 26.2009

June 24.2008

June 26.2007

Minami Circle