Marilyn Leuszler
I am so happy that you have a web page now. Most of my correspondance is by email as I find myself so busy that I don't take time to write letters. This will make it easier to keep in touch with the friends who made our ten years in Japan so wonderful and memorable.
My husband and I are in South Padre Island, Texas where we met friends, Ann and Baxter Webb, who also lived in Japan. Ann and I were members of Minami Circle and studied Ikebana with Katagiri-san. We have kept in touch over the years since we left Japan and meet every two years. We talk for hours about the wonderful friendships we made and our experiences while living in Japan.
I hope you will add a list of post and email addresses for past and present Minami Circle members. Although many of us have returned to our home countries or moved on to other locations, our time in Japan binds us together and provides shared memories.
Again, I thank you for developing this contact and wish you all well!
My best to you all,
Marilyn Leuszler
USA Saturday, October 22, 2005 11:49 AM