Soulful sounds from the earth... By John Kaizan Neptune & Sawako Fukuhara

Ladies and Gentlemen

Thank you for joining us today. I'm the chair-person of the Minami Circle, Kamata Sakiko.
The beautiful sounds of nature that sank deeply into our hearts made us realized once again
how important it is to preserve our environment.

When we started planning this concert, we thought that it would be a good opportunity for us
to think not only about the beauty of our nature, but the importance of saving our environment
through the soulful sounds which is given by the natural bamboo and wood materials.
The environmental issue of the earth is something we must think about today, not to ignore it.

Earth Day events will be held this weekend and hopefully, we will be able to get people’s
attention toward these matters. As a result, it is my greatest pleasure that you have all
gathered here today to cooperate. As you know we are a non profitable group. So we decided
to use our float for one of the environmental activities.
ITTO International Tropical Timber organization Yokohama is now promoting a plan,
which is planting the nursery tree. This plan is to let the children of the world plant
nursery trees and learn how important the trees are. Through these activities, they will
share the time to learn each other by internet. The float will be used for hundred of trees
planted by the children. You can check the website of ITTO in English, Japanese and French,
so that you can recognize what they are promoting.

We appreciate that you could join us today even in this rainy day.
We look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Thank you!

Kamata Sakiko


International Toropical Timber Organization 世界熱帯木材機関 ITTOという組織がございます。
のPcifico YOKOHAMAに日本の本部がありますが、まもなくそこから、世界の子供たちに植林体験を通して
ただくことになりました。100本の木を植えるお金として予定されています。詳しくは南サークルのホー ム


鎌田 佐規子

Spring Concert Group and Board Members


Date: April 18th (Fri), 2008
Place: Kanack Hall Tel: 045-440-1211

Time: 10:30 - 13:00
Ticket: Member \1,300 Nonmember \1,500
Contact: Ms. Minako Iezaki , Ms. Sakiko Kamata

Protect Our Earth !

Minami Circle